Archetypes for Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: The (Self) Advocate, the Absolver, and the Silly Goose
Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius from November 25 - December 15
Quick update: I’ve narrowed (or… expanded?) the focus of this Substack newsletter to my astrological writings, horoscopes, and talks. Stay tuned for a separate, new publication and podcast specifically designed around long form writing, filmmaking, and lyric essay contemplations.
For the rest of November, I am offering $42 birth chart readings (75 minute session over Zoom) with the code NOVEMBER2024. Click here to book your reading <3. And here’s my “under construction” page that details my astrological approaches and resources.
Key Dates for Mercury Retrograde (Nov. 25 - Dec. 15, 2024):
Thursday, November 7: Mercury enters the shadow period at 6°23 Sagittarius
Monday, November 25: Mercury stations Retrograde at 22°40 Sagittarius at 8:42pm CT
Thursday, December 5: Mercury cazimi at 14°27 Sagittarius at 8:18pm CT
Sunday, December 15: Mercury stations direct 2:56 pm CT at 6°23 Sagittarius
Thursday, January 2: Mercury leaves its shadow at 9:15pm CT
Archetypes for Mercury Rx
We use archetypes to help us fully grasp the potential energy at play. In the past, I’ve offered archetypes for each week but I thought it’d be helpful to absorb and contemplate this Mercury Retrograde period as a set of archetypes that work together.
At first glance, this Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius might make us think of the “shiny object syndrome” oftentimes related to the Sagittarian urge to always be questing — to always be moving toward something else, somewhere else. Fire, backwards. Fire, sideways, across the open range.
Of course a first glance is not enough to really feel the true energy at play.
For much of this Mercury Retrograde, we experience Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini (each, in each other’s signs — staring each other down — swapping stories — (mis?)translating for each other) and Mercury squaring Saturn in Pisces, which brings with it a propelling sense. And what is set in motion is discussions of boundaries and felt needs. With all of this, Mercury Rx also trines Chiron in Aries who offers our minds and tongues support in requesting what we need to feel cared for, though there may be some stuttering in the process.
All of this feels so serious, no? Yes, sure. In this lively conversation between many planets (with and without Mercury, too — this is an A C T I V E month astrologically), there is also this tone of silliness, looseness, spinning around the room, enjoying the results of the giddy woozy disorientations.
So, for these ~3 weeks, I see we have 3 archetypes we can connect with in order to visualize the planetary energies: The (Self) Advocate, the Absolver, and the Silly Goose.
The (Self) Advocate and The Absolver
Request care; absolve those who attempted to care for you.
Looking at the planets connecting to Mercury, I started to contemplate my parents and the friends in my life… I felt nudged toward thinking about how each person who has cared for me has done so in their own way, though I may not have felt it fully from my perspective. I began thinking about how I would be as a parent and started to worry if my preoccupation with reading, writing, and “walking out” my mental equations would feel like neglect to them. But I don’t feel worried because I would express care in hundreds of ways, hoping for at least one route to be felt by them. Though it’s really not in my control, right? For one, the child doesn’t exist. For two, one can never really know if their care and love is felt.
It is the child’s, or the friend’s, responsibility to request the care they need if it is not being met. And, so, all of us must remember that it’s on us if we’re going to feel connected and supported. It’s on us to ask for help or to request support when we’re falling behind, or feeling like we’re just treading water.
In this contemplation, it feels important to take this Mercury Rx period to absolve the care-givers in our past of not knowing how to fully meet our needs. At least, to absolve them for not knowing how to express care before we had the words (or facial expressions) to request clearly. Our care-givers could only anticipate what they were capable of sensing.
On that thread of absolution… I see there is a chance here for us to acknowledge the potential for insensitivity. In the recent past, when did we assert our assumptions before asking questions? When did we blurt out a hot take to a cold room? And how will we make sure not to speak insensitively in the same way in the future?
Normally Mercury Rx in Sagittarius wouldn’t be so tied to emotional forgiveness and care-seeking but this trine with Chiron in Aries and square with Saturn in Pisces asks us to (re)consider our experiences in the ways we’ve been cared for, cherished, enjoyed. Looking ahead, I feel like these considerations are foundational work for connecting in meaningful ways in our near future.
Are we ready to take responsibility for requesting to be loved in the ways we will notice?
The Silly Goose 🧃🪿
What can move fast safely in my life right now?
What will be okay in the end if it expands and explodes?
Our third archetype for this Mercury Rx season is a reminder to keep it loose, to stay agile, to allow for the unexpected — and to remind us that a little silliness helps “mistakes” be enjoyed. Or, for the mistakes to become useful eventually.
This Mercury - Jupiter in Sagittarius - Gemini opposition says to me that we’re going to be moving fast with slippery shoes. But what if we acknowledge this *very likely* chance of slipping and lean in?
Mercury Rx in Sagittarius says to me that we’ll need to learn by doing. Which means: learn the long way. Learn the hard way. Laugh at having eyes too big for your stomach. Ask dumb questions. Enjoy how good it feels to be loosely gooselike.
If it’s going to be messy anyway, why not lean into something that feels “finger paint”y right now? What can you "sandbox”? What can you do now that is okay if is a “bust” but could be an incredible discovery — just possibly?!
Teachers for Mercury Rx
Every planet is a teacher in their own way, but Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron are certainly well-equipped to teach us what we need to learn in order to participate and operate in our world. Because they are key in how Mercury is moving during this retrograde season, I wanted to delineate the lessons of each of these teachers for us between Nov. 25 and Dec. 15.
This Mercury Rx, Jupiter is the teacher this season as a person opposing us. He is in detriment, just as we (Mercury, the student) are in detriment. We don’t necessarily have the tools we need for communicative success but we’re in this together. Jupiter may show up as someone in your life who catches you when you’re moving too fast. And you can choose to respond with a question or a conflict-enhancing generalization.
Saturn is our teacher this season as the force or phenomenon pushing us into action → toward care → toward connection → toward hard conversations → toward emotional honesty.
Chiron teaches us how to request what we need though we may not know exactly the words for it. Chiron helps us approximate closer and closer to what will truly fuel us. Chiron reminds us that *we* are the ones who can give ourselves what we need by speaking up.
Tarot Spread of Mercury Retrograde
Card 1. The Person as Teacher. The person, place, or thing who shows you what you need to know. Who shows you what kind of care you need.
Card 2. The Force. The conflict, desire, or dream that asks you to move forward.
Card 3. The Request. How you will word or contextualize what you need to thrive.
Comment what you pulled for your spread below! I’d love to see what is happening for you.
Loosely Gooselike Horoscopes
For those inside of a long term project: What can you be loosely gooselike with in these ~20 days that will not incinerate your progress? Lean into experimentation. See what explodes in the lab.
For those inside of a group conflict: A good-hearted joke goes a long way to re-instate the mirth that feels missing. And, equally, a shitty comment makes an equally powerful effect
For those seeking reinventions: The person most effected by your change knows exactly why you need the reinvention the most.
For those in a healthy relationship: Intimacy blooms when you look the stupidest.
For those caring for children: Disarm a tough situation with humor. Request the kid to impress you with a joke. And make sure you laugh with them.
For those shifting positions or employment: Remember injury is less likely to occur if you have a slippery surface to glide on.
If you enjoyed this horoscope of sorts, please share this post with friends!
Interesting card pull - in order - King of Cups, 3 of Wands and Hanged Man reversed