The Acupuncturist: Astro-Archetype of the Week (June 23 - 29)
Release these holds and allow for a little prick of electricity to get our energy flowing freely again.
The Acupuncturist: Astro-Archetype of the Week (June 23 - 29)
Informed by the planetary energy, we focus our care through one archetype in order to see all of the parts of us more clearly.
Key Transits:
June 24 | Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
June 26 | Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces
June 28 | Mercury square Chiron
Venus sextile Mars
June 29 | Saturn Retrograde begins
Mercury sextile Uranus
Mercury is center stage this week. And the sky is predominantly Cancerian right now. At least, the most quickly moving planets are taking place in the sign of Cancer. The vibrations of Cancer and Mercury are similar in that they evoke a changeability (which is intensified by Jupiter in Gemini, for sure). Later in the week, Mercury sextiles Uranus — our planet of liberation, of insight, of shock and awe — another echo of change this week. Last week I wrote about emotions as momentary messengers. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is responsive. She receives information and processes it through the body. This week we can expect old emotions, old thoughts, old beliefs getting zapped out of our bodies.
Many summers ago, I was quitting smoking (again…). I put all my supports in place — talk therapy, high protein diet, low-to-no caffeine, natures walks — anything I could do to make sure this task of quitting nicotine stuck. And so I put aside a budget to go to my community acupuncture group a couple times a week. It was difficult for me to admit to my acupuncturist that I was inside of the intense nicotine withdrawals, though I knew she was likely able to see it by looking at my tongue. And I told her because I was there for relief, not shame. She placed acupuncture needles in one of my ears, which I had not received from previous appointments.
What followed felt like little electric storms rising up my body, starting at my feet and moving up to my face slowly, like the storms were taking turns. It wasn’t uncomfortable. It wasn’t necessarily heat either. But absolutely the storms felt like how intense emotional swells felt in my life before that day. She told me to return 2 - 3 times that week, where she alternated in which ear she placed the needles. When I asked her if the storms were normal, she gave a knowing nod. Maybe she wasn’t even fully affirming but acknowledging what I was feeling. Later, I would learn that the ears hold spots for trauma release, a source for addiction.
I bring this up as symbolic of Mercury in the sign of Cancer, and the supportive trine Mercury will be making to Saturn (longevity, responsibility) as well as the square to Chiron (woundedness) and the sextile to Uranus (insight, swift change, release, freedom). With Cancer, there is a caution of clinging to messages for too long — of making a nest in them because… because of any number of reasons. But Mercury’s movement through this sign helps remind us of the necessity of shifting, of seeking more perfect or guiding information. Of moving things out. Just as often as we receive a message, we should respond or mark the message as received.
Substances like nicotine, caffeine, sugar, alcohol hold our nervous systems in place. I don’t write this with any judgment at all. Sometimes our nervous systems need to be held in place or they will absolutely collapse from the chaos around us. But what we need this week is to release these holds and allow for a little prick of electricity to get our energy flowing freely again. This Mercury sextile to Uranus in Taurus calls to us at the end of the week: they are making a “trust fall team” to support a bodily release of pent up stuckness.
Journal Questions for the Acupuncturist Archetype
In which ways can you allow for a jolt of electricity to become free from heaviness?
What substances are dulling your ability to see and think clearly?
What supports have you committed to in order to make your liberation successful this time?
In which ways can you get your energy flowing daily? How will you keep these energy channels open?
What’s coming up:
I’m pausing birth chart consultations until I return from Porto in July. Follow this link to schedule a reading with me after I restore myself with tinned fish, gouache painting on the beach, and witnessing sheep blessings in the mountains.
For those in the Milwaukee area, Jenna Knapp is organizing a mini market on the lawns of Lynden Sculpture Garden on July 21st. If you would like to be a vendor, follow this link to apply!
After the Mini-Market on July 21st, I’m leading my first Astrology for Writers writing workshop at Lynden Sculpture Garden. There are limited spots, so please register early <3 I’d love to see you there!
In this workshop, we will pay special attention to (or: consider!) the planetary energies specific to the Full Moon in Capricorn (July 21, 2024) and discuss how writers are influenced by the Moon. As well, the writing prompts will be inspired by Mercury’s transit through the sign of Leo (July 2 - 25th and August 14 - September 9, 2024) and discuss how writers are influenced by Mercury.
This workshop is designed for people who are brand new to astrology as well as those who consider themselves advanced astrology practitioners. And the writing portion of this workshop is open to all types of writers -- poetry, prose, the experienced, and the excited. The energy of this workshop is full of curiosity, play, wonder, and open dialogue.